Amy's story

{Amy Hollinger in 2010}

Amy is a dancer. Born in California and trained at the Washington D.C. Russian Kirov Academy, she currently dances with Boulder Ballet. Amy is a ballet teacher, a loving friend, a treasured daughter, and a beloved sister.

Between 10:30 PM and midnight Saturday, October 20th, 2012 Amy was hit by a car while crossing a street near her home in downtown Denver, CO. 

Amy was brought to Denver Health Hospital, the region's level 1 trauma center. She was taken into surgery to relieve significant swelling and pressure in her brain due to the trauma of the impact. She has sustained traumatic brain injury and was able to transfer to a cognitive rehabilitation hospital in January of 2013.

Amy's family and loved ones wish to express their gratitude for your support and love for Amy, and invite you to follow her recover progress here on this blog. 

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