Tuesday, November 6, 2012

a good tuesday

As we spend our third week in the Denver Health ICU, Amy has lifted our hearts yesterday and today with her liveliness, affection, and, frankly, suborn determination.

Lessening Amy's sedation is a very delicate process, however today she was deemed strong enough for doctors to negate her heaviest med entirely and cut another in half over last night. Now that she is awake more than asleep, Amy has begun the process of exploring her environment and learning what her current confines of interaction with it are.

Watching the change and seeing glimmers of her personality and facial expressions has been indescribable today. She consistently beats Jess at thumb wars, follows Mom around the room with her eyes, fingers her mail, and glares indignantly at her new respiratory therapist. Tomorrow Amy will meet with a physical therapist and hopefully continue to require less pressure on her ventilator. Her physical condition is still very delicate, and for all the new found fun, rest is paramount.

She breaks my heart and mends it all over again every time she gives me a one-armed hug. It's been a very blessed tuesday in denver.

We are all accompanying Amy on a long road to recovery which will no doubt be scattered with temporary set-backs, continued fears, and a steep learning curve for all of us.
However, what we do know for sure, admits much uncertainty, is that Amy knows she is loved and can consistently and forcefully communicate her own love in return.
We want everything for Amy, but, at the end of the day, this is everything.

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