Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekend update

Amy continues to fight a fever and a lung infection.

On Sunday, after some challenges new IV catheter lines were placed in her arms which is less invasive then her old central line which was due to be removed for safety at the 8 day mark. She is still on her ventilator and is receiving oxygen to help her breath with the compromised left lung. There has been no change in her reactivity.

Amy's fever is high. The nurses are evaluating all possible sources of infection. It is possible that Amy's body is just re-learning how to control her temperature. However, In order to keep her heart rate low and breathing steady she needs rest.

Amy responds to visitors with an elevated heart rate and agitation which is good. However, at this time Amy does not also respond to visitors trying to calm her. Only family have been able to get Amy back on track when she becomes agitated.

Amy has demonstrated increased fine motor skills with her left hand and appears confident when touching Jess's face. She has also found a new favorite way to hold hands.

Amy will likely be in the ICU for a few more weeks as her condition continues to be labeled as critically stable. Amy knows you all love her and she will need you to hold her hand when she is in a less intensive care unit and at a lower risk of outside illness, cold, and flues.

Please keep up with Amy F., Kathleen, Oliver's and others incredible effort to put on a dance benefit in honor of Amy. More information to come on the blog, but for now here is the facebook page. We are so excited about this.

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