Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2nd week of december update

While Amy sleeps I'd like to quickly update you all on her recovery.

No longer in need of either oxygen support or a neck brace, Amy is resting more peacefully. Although still at a high risk for infection, it is wonderful to see Amy exhibiting more physical stability and thus directing more energy to therapy. Her chief neurosurgeon stopped in yesterday and thought her head was healing well.

Amy's days are full: she has a large therapy team working with her and family to rebuild neurological pathways, empower Amy to have choice and expression, and regain practical abilities like being able to fully extend her spine, hold up her own head, and dangle her feet off of the bed. We are working to help relax Amy's right arm more and her left hand has learned the first four letters of the sign language alphabet. Even though Amy may not be able to spell we are hoping to give her as many avenues to work on brain reactivity, the process of learning, and sequencing.

My apologies for the delay in posting photos here of the dance benefit. A computer glitch has set me back.

We are wishing you all a happy winter solstice!